The House of Raoul Wallenberg – the House of Humanity
Charter of the Association
To keep alive, through the story of their individual fate , and the values represented by the work of Raoul Wallenberg and other life-savers, in the light of their civic courage and humanity.
– To reinforce an individual’s inner conviction that one person can make a difference in achieving a more cooperative, humanistic society.
– To provide opportunities, primarily for young people but also for all citizens, to develop humanist values that will help individuals to become equal and live as equal members of their society.
– To involve a broad section of society in our work, regardless of social background, age, religion or ethnicity.
The founding members of the House of Raoul Wallenberg – the House of Humanity are driven by the intention to create and programme; an institution that considers tolerance, civil courage, the exercise of democratic rights and the acceptance of the ‘Other’ as important social values, through the examples of Raoul Wallenberg and other human rescuers throughout history.
We want to raise awareness of the civic courage, tolerance, moral and ethical example of Raoul Wallenberg and other human rescuers throughout society, in higher education and in other school activities.
We want to give young people the opportunity to acquire a vision in which an inner moral compass, a commitment to humanist values, ensures democratic cooperation and coexistence in society as a whole.
We want to create an opportunity for social dialogue: on social, ethical and moral issues.
We illuminate and place the period of post Enlightenment of Hungarian history up to 1945 into an international perspective.
We aim to bear witness to the historical events of 1944-45 as an integral part of Hungarian history.
- Our mission is to create an interactive (on-site and mobile) exhibition of Raoul Wallenberg, both for the general public and for school visits, and to enable the realization of exhibitions identical of Raoul Wallenberg’s spirit
- To carry on education and perform educational tasks.
- to elaborate and develop pedagogical techniques and upload materials on the Internet, so that our work can be accessible to those who do not have the opportunity to visit the Raoul Wallenberg House in person.
- We are also committed to create a library of books, audio books, DVDs and films bearing the name of Raoul Wallenberg. This will also provide an opportunity to learn about rescuers’ life and history
- We will promote publication of books and other printed, audio and video materials on subjects related to our Association’s aims and activities.
- -We’ll use a website and social media to communicate with the wider public as well as update our membership about our activities
- -The Association may consider establishing awards or prizes on subjects related to its work and decides on these award.
- We ensure that all the programmes, exhibitions and other activities organised by the Association will be open to all parties and visitors showing interest or who contribute to achieve the goals of the Association and accept the charter of the Association.